I’ve decided that it would be fun to host a photography contest...there won’t be any prizes, but I hope that some will still decide to enter! :)
Anyway, the rules are simple. There are two categories, “Nature” and “People”. You may submit up to two photos to either or both categories. :) Photos should not be edited (although cropping is fine).
The deadline will be June 26th, 2009 after which the contest will close, and I will announce the 1st and 2nd places winners of each category shortly thereafter. You can email your entries to me at writertwin@gmail.com along with your first name (and your blog address will be welcome as well, but not required). If you would like to spread the word on your blog or elsewhere, I would appreciate it!
Thanks so much!! :D
9 thoughts:
Oh I can't wait! I've never won any of these, but I do love photography. :) I'll start shooting and get them to you soon.
Happy Birthday!
Fun! I might enter. Does it matter when I took the pictures? I took some pictures a month or so ago I'd like to enter, but I'd thought I'd ask before entering them.
Thanks, Joanna! I'll look forward to your entries! :D
Hi Katie! It doesn't matter when you took the pictures just so long as you took them yourself. :D Hope you'll enter!
Hello! I hope I can enter your photography contest - I love photography!! Here are my entries.
Nature 1 - http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww347/shutterfly-han/5-201.jpg
Nature 2 - http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Dj4hwAgMiQ0/Sc7F-ExzVTI/AAAAAAAAChQ/0R9rqMrhlDI/s1600-h/11.+And+everywhere+that+man+can+be....JPG
People 1 - http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww347/shutterfly-han/IMG_5690.jpg
People 2 - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Dj4hwAgMiQ0/ScgePLFawZI/AAAAAAAACQE/Poi14AjniEs/s1600-h/IMG_9186.jpg
They're all from my blog.... www.farmgirlinflipflops.blogspot.com.
Hope you had a happy birthday!!
My little brother is going to enter.
Happy birthday!
You should enter the contest in Tifton. It costs five dollars per photograph entered, and you can enter up to five. The deadline is July 7th I think I have the article if you want to read it. The grand prize is $600.00 and there are $100.00 and 25.00 prizes also.
I hope its o.k. to do what Hannah did and comment the link(s).
Here they are.
Both are Nature.
I would enter if it wern't for my camera and bad photography skills! LOL :p But, Happy birthday... and y'alls beach trip sounded fun!
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